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You can install SQLiter using whichever method you prefer or is compatible with your project setup.

With uv which is rapidly becoming my favorite tool for managing projects and virtual environments (uv is used for developing this project and in the CI):

uv add sqliter-py

With Poetry:

poetry add sqliter-py

Or with pip:

pip install sqliter-py

Optional Dependencies

Currently by default, the only external dependency is Pydantic. However, there are some optional dependencies that can be installed to enable additional features:

  • inflect: For pluralizing table names (if not specified). This just offers a more-advanced pluralization than the default method used. In most cases you will not need this.

These can be installed using uv:

uv add 'sqliter-py[extras]'

With Poetry:

poetry add 'sqliter-py[extras]'

Or with pip:

pip install 'sqliter-py[extras]'