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SqliterDB Properties


The SqliterDB class includes several useful read-only properties that provide insight into the current state of the database. These properties allow users to easily query key database attributes, such as the filename, whether the database is in memory, auto-commit status, and the list of tables.


  1. filename Returns the filename of the database, or None if the database is in-memory.

    Usage Example:

    db = SqliterDB(db_filename="test.db")
    print(db.filename)  # Output: 'test.db'
  2. is_memory Returns True if the database is in-memory, otherwise False.

    Usage Example:

    db = SqliterDB(memory=True)
    print(db.is_memory)  # Output: True
  3. is_autocommit Returns True if the database is in auto-commit mode, otherwise False.

    Usage Example:

    db = SqliterDB(auto_commit=True)
    print(db.is_autocommit)  # Output: True
  4. table_names Returns a list of all user-defined table names in the database. The property temporarily reconnects if the connection is closed.

    Usage Example:

    db = SqliterDB(memory=True)
    db.create_table(User)  # Assume 'User' is a predefined model
    print(db.table_names)  # Output: ['user']

Property Details


This property allows users to retrieve the current database filename. For in-memory databases, this property returns None, as no filename is associated with an in-memory database.

  • Type: Optional[str]
  • Returns: The database filename or None if in memory.


This property indicates whether the database is in memory. It simplifies the check for memory-based databases, returning True for in-memory and False otherwise.

  • Type: bool
  • Returns: True if the database is in memory, otherwise False.


This property returns whether the database is in auto-commit mode. If auto_commit is enabled, every operation is automatically committed without requiring an explicit commit() call.

  • Type: bool
  • Returns: True if auto-commit mode is enabled, otherwise False.


This property retrieves a list of user-defined table names from the database. It does not include system tables (sqlite_). If the database connection is closed, this property will temporarily reconnect to query the table names and close the connection afterward.

  • Type: list[str]
  • Returns: A list of user-defined table names in the database.
  • Raises: DatabaseConnectionError if the database connection fails to re-establish.


Here's a complete example demonstrating the use of the new properties:

from sqliter import SqliterDB
from sqliter.model import BaseDBModel

# Define a simple model
class User(BaseDBModel):
    id: int
    name: str

# Create an in-memory database
db = SqliterDB(memory=True)

# Access properties
print(db.filename)        # Output: None
print(db.is_memory)       # Output: True
print(db.is_autocommit)   # Output: True (this is the default)
print(db.table_names)     # Output: ['user']